Thursday, May 14, 2020

Mastering the Art of LinkedIn in Your Job Search

Mastering the Art of LinkedIn in Your Job Searchâ€" Source â€" Pixabay.comLinkedIn is the social network for industry professionals. On this platform, you can meet like-minded people, you can connect with prospective employers, and you can sell your skills online. It’s the network to turn to when you want to voice your opinion about your industry, and it’s certainly the place to monitor industry-specific trends.This powerful professional network can connect you with people whom you wouldn’t usually come into contact with, and it might even be the place where you find your new job. LinkedIn takes the laborious task of trawling through job sites, adds a social element to it, and makes it far more user-friendly, resulting in a much more collaborative evalYour LinkedIn profile is the digital equivalent of your CV to some prospective employers, so it’s essential to keep it updated. You wouldn’t send a covering letter that doesn’t include the right information, so you should keep your profile up-to-date with all of your responsi bilities and achievements.If you’re comfortable in your current job role, it can be easy to neglect your LinkedIn profile, but there’s no harm in keeping it updated with any new skills that you learn and any new responsibilities that you pick up. By not listing these skills, you’re closing yourself off from potential career-progression opportunities, because employers won’t understand your full skill-set.2) Highlight Your Experience Whether it’s academically or professionally, you work hard and, over time, you build experience and expertise. Your LinkedIn profile is a sales pitch to potential employers, which means that you shouldn’t hesitate to shout about your achievements.If you’ve performed well in work and have great results to show it, you should highlight this. Your future employers will be on the lookout for candidates who are going to contribute to the company’s profits, and influential figures will only support your application.3) Use Your Headline Wisely B eneath your name on your LinkedIn profile, you’ll find your headline. Some people use this to outline their current job role, but to potential employers, this is a short sentence that summarizes you professionally.You only have 120 characters to work with here, so it’s important to keep it concise. If you’re seeking a new role in a particular field, this is the place to highlight it. If you feel that your current job title is enough to sell you to potential employers, make sure that you include it here â€" creating an engaging headline will encourage employers and recruiters to click through to your profile page.Remember, your headline is like the opening line on a CV or resume. It needs to be punchy enough to get your point across without making you seem like you’re overly confident in your skills. Ensure that you’re selling yourself properly, but use language that suggests you’re well versed in the world of work.4) Make Yourself Available evalIf you’re looking for a new job and you’re open to offers, you can ‘turn on your availability,’ which tells recruiters from outside your organization that you are actively seeking a new role. If you don’t have this feature activated, you might not be contacted by promising employers.You can tailor this feature to fit your needs, and you can use this to inform employers how eager you are to find a new position, as well as your preferred job titles and what city 5) Use the Advanced Job Search Employers have the option to list their vacancies on LinkedIn One way to overcome this issue to use the advanced job-search filters to narrow down your search to relevant jobs â€" this way, the platform will learn from you and show you more positions like this.Source â€" Pixabay.com6) Get Involved with Online Networking Regardless of its many features, Linkedin is a social network, and it should be treated like one. It is a platform on which you can have conversations with people and discuss relevant topics. In this sense, it works in the same way as in-person networking.You can take the time to craft posts and comment in relevant groups, and you can earn a name for yourself in the industry through your opinions. Off the back of this, you might find that you have a competitive edge when it comes to seeking a new role, with employers recognizing your name and your achievements from your LinkedIn prominence.7) Make Sure You’re Integrating Your Efforts LinkedIn is an excellent tool for finding jobs online but making sure that you integrate these efforts with offline activity will give you the best chance at securing your dream role. Remember, LinkedIn is your online business card, and you can always point the people you meet in real life towards your profile.If you work in an industry where you don’t need to carry business cards or information (such as digital marketing or web development), you’ll find that LinkedIn becomes a useful offline tool as well.8) Use Every Tool in Your Job Hun t Regardless of industry, the job market is a competitive one, and it’s vital that you give yourself the best chance at securing your dream role. LinkedIn is just one platform that you can use to get yourself noticed, with resources such as online job boards presenting you with ideal jobs at the touch of a button.

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